How to Cook the Perfect Sausage

How to Cook the Perfect Sausage


For a full, meaty, quick and easy sizzle, put a small amount of oil in the pan and cover the surface of the pan. When the oil has reached a medium heat, place the sausages in the pan and nudge them around the pan until all parts are a nice golden brown – for about 8 to ten minutes.



If you prefer a little less fat, grilling is the way forward – put them on or under a medium heated grill and sizzle away for eight to ten minutes, rotating every couple of minutes to cook all round and piping hot inside.


And then again, there’s nothing like that lick-smacking crackle of sausages in the oven – extra handy too if you’re dealing with a load of them. Oil an oven-proof pan or baking tray, and put all the little lovelies inside. Cook for about 20-25 mins at 190 (fan-assist), 170 or gas mark five, turning half way through.
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